We will return to our original schedule today.
Thank you for registering for Trial Advocacy College. We look forward to meeting you!
Gathered here are links to information you will find useful before and after you arrive. Please read everything.
Please check in at the desk outside Caplin Auditorium during the following times. (See UVA map below.)
Friday 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 7:00 – 8:45 a.m.
Dress throughout the week is business casual. For the trials, please dress as you would for any court appearance.General
Program Structure
The College runs from 8:45 on Saturday morning until approximately 4:30 on Wednesday afternoon.
Instruction is broken down into three main groups: plenary instruction, small group practice, and mock trials.
Plenary Instruction
Plenary instruction takes place in Caplin Auditorium. Lectures are presented on various aspects of trial. Each lecture is followed by a Demonstration of the lessons taught, conducted by faculty members, using the same case file you will be using in small groups. Following the demonstration, another faculty member will Critique the Demonstrations.
Small Group Practice
Small group practice is the heart of the College, and the majority of the schedule is devoted to it. You will be assigned to a small group of students with similar trial experience, and each small group will be assigned to a smaller event room in the law school. At registration, you'll be directed to a board that lists your group and room assignment, an the faculty members assigned to your group. In the small groups, your faculty member(s) will lead you through demonstrations and exercises, and provide critiques of your performance.
The faculty changes out Monday morning, and you may have one or two faculty assigned during either/both of the faculty “flights.”
Mock Trials
Mock trials are the culminating event of the College. You will receive a new case file on Sunday night (it will be posted to the Materials tab above at the same time), and you will thereafter be assigned to two-person trial teams, opposed by a team from a different small group. Most of Tuesday will be devoted to preparation for the trials, with the help of your faculty member(s).
Trials are held on Wednesday morning and afternoon. Those not trying the case act as witnesses for their colleagues. You can expect a useful critique of your performance by the judge following the conclusion of your trial.
Written Materials
Each registrant receives a copy of Trying Cases to Win: In One Volume, by Judge Herbert J. Stern and our Director, Prof. Stephen A. Saltzburg. This book mirrors the instruction presented, and you will find it a valuable resource long after the College is completed.
Common Questions
What if I need to leave the program early?
Attendees occasionally ask to miss the Wednesday afternoon trials in order to make earlier travel arrangements. If it is absolutely necessary, we can often accommodate you, but realize that this puts a burden on others who play the roles of witnesses. Talk to your small group faculty member to ensure your trial is for Wednesday morning.
How do I obtain out-of-state CLE credit?
Please see us at our table outside Caplin Auditorium sometime during your time here, and we'll help you complete the appropriate paperwork.
University of Virginia School of Law
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